The Jeff Ridgeway Advocacy Award

1. The Award is open to anyone with a disability.
2. The Award recognizes a person who has demonstrated at least three years of experience in self-advocacy.
3. The Award recognizes a person who has demonstrated leadership in self-advocacy, preferably including cross-disability advocacy.
4. The Award recognizes a person who has stated a vision for the future of the self-advocacy movement in Alabama.
5. Nominees must be at least 16 years old.
6. Nominations must be submitted in writing to ADAP.
7. The award winner is selected by a committee of not more than five persons, including the ADAP Director, who serves as chair. The other members of the selection committee are:
• President, People First
• President, Wings Across Alabama
• Vicki Turnage (advocate)
• Open Seat 
8.The award winner is identified by the consensus of the committee.
9. If any of the persons identified to participate on the selection committee cannot serve, then that person’s logical successor will serve in their stead.

Send your written nomination to ADAP at this address:

ADAP/Jeff Ridgeway Award

P.O. Box 870395

Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

Submit your nomination with our online form

To submit an online nomination visit our link here.

Who is Jeff Ridgeway?

“Jeff is a bulldog. Simply put, he will not quit. That is why he has succeeded in life and that is why he has succeeded in his advocacy. He is an example to us all of what we can do if we work hard and keep working hard.”

-- James Tucker, ADAP Former Executive Director

“Jeff’s never wavering selfless pursuit for justice and equality for all Alabama citizens has been an example for all of us with the same values.”

-- Susan Ellis, State Coordinator - People First of Alabama

“Jeff is passionate about self-advocacy and human and civil rights for people with disabilities. He is truly like the kudzu plant we so love: persistent, ever-growing and challenging all that it is in its way to cover the landscape with his message. This tenaciousness is the spirit of self-advocacy.”

-- Vicki Turnage, Ability Alliance, Former Executive Director

Ridgeway Award Photo 19

To view the past recipients of the Jeff Ridgeway Advocacy Award,
follow the link below