Grievance Procedure

ADAP is designated under federal law to provide protection and advocacy services to Alabamians with disabilities. Because we have limited funds and staffing, we cannot take every case that is presented to us. ADAP annually establishes priority areas which guide the work which we undertake. If your problem is not within one of our current priority areas or you do not otherwise meet ADAP’s eligibility criteria, we will not be able to help you. If we cannot provide direct advocacy help, we will do our best to identify other agencies or individuals who may be able to assist you.

Your grievance rights

ADAP is required by federal law to have a grievance procedure so clients, prospective clients, and their family members or legal representatives may express concerns about the services they received or if they were denied advocacy assistance from ADAP.

You have the right to file a grievance if you were told you were not eligible for our services; you were denied a requested service; you were receiving help from us that ended or further help was denied for reasons with which you disagree. You may also file a grievance if you are unhappy with ADAP’s services, or you believe we treated you unfairly or believe that ADAP has not carried out its legal obligations.

From the date of the action or decision that you want to grieve, you have 30 days to file your grievance. ADAP will not respond to grievances on that matter after that deadline.


How ADAP will respond to your grievance

ADAP’s Associate Director will review your grievance and will mail you a written response within 15 days of receiving your grievance. If you disagree with the Associate Director’s response, you may submit an appeal to ADAP’s Executive Director asking for further consideration. ADAP’s Executive Director will review your grievance and will mail you a written response within 30 days. If you disagree with the Executive Director’s response, you may submit a final appeal to ADAP’s governing authority (or their designee) asking for further consideration. The governing authority will review your grievance and issue a written decision to you within 30 days of receiving your appeal. This will be ADAP’s final decision in the matter. The confidentiality of your grievance will be strictly protected. Access to your grievance and related materials will be permitted only for ADAP staff with a need to review the complaint.


Mail-In Grievance Form 

Print out PDF version of form and mail filled out form to: 

ADAP Grievance

ADAP Box 870395

Tuscaloosa, AL 35487


Please complete the sections below which apply to your concerns.
Describe the type of help you requested from ADAP.
ADAP told me it would not provide me services. I disagree with ADAP’s decision.
ADAP closed my case or limited the services I would receive. I disagree with ADAP’s decision.
I am unhappy with the services that ADAP provided me; I believe ADAP has treated me unfairly; or I believe ADAP has not carried out its legal obligations because:


Requesting Help to File Your Grievance

If you need more information about your right to file a grievance, need help completing the grievance form, or need the form in an alternative format, please contact ADAP's Associate Director at (205) 348-4928 or (800) 826-1675 or via email at  If you are unable to complete the form, you may submit a complaint in an alternate manner by contacting ADAPs Associate Director as described above.